Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Order TN t-shirts

Shirts are 10 dollars each, make sure to pay or you will not be receiving your t-shirt. Link is down below!

Will be in white ink on a black shirt

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


 Mr. Hardy explaining something about gravity!
 Students are taking notes.

Mr. Strom giving a lesson
 Students reactions to some gross biology! Look at those horrified faces!!
Emily thinking hard
Cara, Emily, and Colin working on a house for the bunnies!

Food Webs

Wow, It's been a while! Happy 2016!

Mr. Hardy probably came around asking what a food web was... I heard many of you don't know! Here is a brief explanation of what one is:

A system of interlocking and interdependent food chains.

There you have it!